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There's a lot in here, so be sure to scroll down.
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End of summer aria evening in the beautiful People's Museum in Limerick's historic Pery Square.
Opera in the Blue Room upstairs with a beautiful selection of your favorite pieces.
A glass of prosecco on arrival & a wonderful selection of buffet picnic food during the interval served in the Coach House at the end of the beautiful walled garden.
Tickets available at :
Join us for more unforgettable experiences
Our Opera Trail continues every year during our festival week & we will be visiting schools, community centers and much more.
We do things differently in Limerick Opera Festival
We enjoyed a fabulous list of events in our festival this year. We hope you all enjoyed some really great events with Limerick Opera Festival
We are really hoping to make many more new friends along the way as we continue to entertain with a wide variety of events.
So keep an eye here & come along & join us to celebrate opera in our beautiful riverside city.
There is something there for everyone!
Ms Kathryn Hayes, Lecturer and Course Director of
the BA in Journalism
and New Media programme, University of Limerick since 2016 delivered this talk to the girls from the highly acclaimed Laurel Hill Choir. The girls and their choral director Lorna Ni Bhroin really enjoyed this presentation. Kathyrn Hayes used a multi media approach to engage the girls in a riveting and informative talk about the Hibernian Madonna.
This new event is being introduced to our ever-expanding Limerick Opera Festival events page.
Applications will be sought from young aspiring singers aged between 16 and 22 years from around
the country to apply for a number of days coaching with an international staff of singing teachers,
repetiteurs, language coaches and directors.
We will include solo/duet/trio and ensemble work culminating in a performance on the final day.
We will accommodate ten or twelve singers taking part and the Gala Concert at the end of the
coaching experience will be held in St Mary’s Cathedral.
Limerick Opera Festival are very excited about launching this new platform to further support and
enhance the flourishing musical talent in Limerick city and county.
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